This building (c. 1835) on Route 206 is owned by the State of New Jersey and is the official residence of the Governor. The center block is the original Greek Revival mansion of Charles Smith Olden, who served as Governor during the Civil War. The wings were added by Moses Taylor Pyne. This estate, under Pyne's direction, became a development of extensive landscaping and a model farm with the guidance of his architect Raleigh C. Gildersleeve. This district includes the mansion, Greek Revival c. 1835 with Colonial Revival flanking wings added between 1893 and 1901 by Pyne, and the Butler's house, also Greek Revival. Adjacent to this lot is the one story farm house of Thomas Olden, circa mid-18th century, from which its occupants watched the Battle of Princeton. This house has been moved three hundred yards to the north from its original site and lies presently near Route 206.