Description |
American Foursquare style twin house, with #167 on south (right) and
#169 on on north (left). Building is a square, 2.5-story, 4-bay, stucco-
clad, with asp asphalt-shingled pyramidal hipped roof. On west (main)
façade a single shed roofed dormer is centered, with 2 windows. All
windows are 1x1 replacements. Second floor has 4 evenly spaced windows;
at first floor the two entrances are centered side-by-side. Flanking
entrance are paired 1x1 windows. The entrance contains a Leader door with
concentric square panels, dating to the 1960s.
Shed roofed front porch is full-length and supported by 4 large squared
posts resting on masonry knee wall rising from ground. Steps are
centered, opposite of entrances. North side obscured; south side contains
three aligned windows on both floors. |