Historic Name |
11 Leigh Avenue |
Address |
11 Leigh Avenue |
Tax Parcel |
1114_6905_22 |
Historic District |
Witherspoon-Jackson Historic District |
Classification |
Noncontributing |
Number of Resources |
1 |
Style | Other |
Number of Stories |
2 |
Material |
Vinyl |
Historic Function |
Domestic |
Current Function |
Domestic |
Last Entry Update |
2/18/2020 |
Setting |
Description |
The property contains a 2-story, 2-bay vernacular house facing south to
Leigh Avenue. The building appears to consist of a front end gabled
building with a 2-story addition on the front elevation. The house's
front end gabled roof features vinyl clad eaves. The frame walls are clad
with vinyl siding. Fenestration consists of replacement windows of
varying sizes and shapes, spaced slightly asymmetrically. The south
(main) elevation has two paired windows on the second floor and a door
and tripartite window on the first floor. The front porch has a shed roof
with five thin square posts supporting the outer eaves and connected by a
replacement railing. The end walls feature various window arrangements on
the two floor levels, arranged asymmetrically with some paired or
tripartite window units. The house has a concrete foundation. |
Built |
1920 |
Architect |
Builder |
History |
The house was constructed c. 1920. It is not shown on the Sanborn Atlas of
1918. The 1930 atlas does not cover the north side of Leigh Avenue. The
house appears on the historic aerial of 1940 and all subsequent aerials. |
Sources |
If you have additional information or corrections to the existing information, send an email to
Submitted information is reviewed by the Princeton HPC prior to updating the database. |
2015 Photo
11 Leigh Avenue, south and east elevations
2015 Photo
11 Leigh Avenue, south and west elevations