Description |
This house is a one-and-a-half-story, three-bay, vernacular building of a
type found throughout Northern New Jersey. Its main features are a
hipped- roof front porch and a double-window wall dormer. It features a
side-gable roof that is clad with asphalt shingles. The house is clad in
aluminum siding.
The first floor of the south elevation features a one-story, full-length,
hipped-roofed,wood porch and an off-set front door. The porch is
supported by four concrete piers and is accessed by an off-set concrete
staircase that leads to the front door and that has a double, iron
balustrade. It features four iron posts and an iron balustrade. The front
door is flanked by two, single, six-over-six, double-hung sash windows to
its west. The half-story has tall cheek walls with a front-gable wall
dormer with one,double, six-over-six, double-hung sash window in its
The west elevation features an exterior brick chimney towards its
southern (front) end.
The house’s foundation is clad in stucco. |